Why take pictures underwater? There are several reasons, simplest one would be to take home pleasant memories of creatures encountered during you dive adventure.
Underwater photography used to be an elite sport or profession; underwater photographers are of a different breed of man and women. So consumed by their desires and passion to document the sea, they brace the challenges of the aquatic world to bring us the beauty of life beneath our beloved ocean. As a kid growing up, I was exposed to images from magazines such as the National Geographic and often wonder how these magnificent images were capture. I had great admiration for these courageous individuals. They are liken to the great explorers spearheading the exploration of the mysterious aquatic world so little known and forever being exposed to the threats of uncontrolled human actions. Looking at their wonderful images, the mesmerizing rich colored ocean and its occupants, so inspiring and at times intimidating, a sense of envy often creeps in between my pillars of admiration for the skills of these artists. My hope would be someday to replicate such skills in my quest to bring to you, my readers the wonders of our ocean beneath as seen through the lens, composed in my mind and published from my heart. Till my next pose, I leave you with a cute image of a puffer taken during my dive trip (Aug, 2009) to Lembeh Straits, North Sulawesi.
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